Growth Hormone with One Meal a Day
Starting at age 53, I reduced my body fat from 40% to 20%. But I also gain lean body mass and am now stronger and fitter than ever before in my life. I accomplished this without potions, pills or injections of any kind with one meal a day or OMAD. This is because of the effects of OMAD on my own endogenous Growth Hormone. In this video I reveal my secret for fitness, vitality and perhaps even longevity. I belive that you too can change your life, whether you are 20 or 70 years old. Here is how one can increase growth hormone with OMAD.
Endurance and strength
Through my early years of OMAD, I notice an increase in my endurance and a strange and new found love for workouts. Early on I thought that the pushup pyramid routine was making me strong, fast. But there was one more secreted hidden behind the OMAD regimen I could not have known back then. And that secret was an increased Growth Hormone secretion.

Meal timing and Growth Hormone
Here is my own single feeding cycle. The green color represents satiety and the red color represents hunger. To be clear, I am including a representation in dark blue for my sleeping hours and in bright yellow for my wake hour. Keep in mind that If you decide to follow the One-meal a day or OMAD method, you will need to reach 21 days of consecutive OMAD days. If you do, you will make the Metabolic Switch permanent. Only then would you experience the feeling of satiety all day long.
Adapting to OMAD and Ghrelin Control
My hunger is limited to 2 hours before my OMAD because I have adjusted my Ghrelin. Now, I don’t even talk about food before 10 am. This is part of my adaptation to OMAD that takes only 21 days.
My routine and Growth Hormone
Here is my daily routine. Briefly, I eat in the late morning, work in the afternoon and wake up to do my workout in the morning, during the late stages of my fasting. It turns out that going to bed on an empty stomach is beneficial to our health. Growth Hormone with OMAD release starts when we fall asleep. However, glucose and fatty acids from our food, suppress GH release. So the farther away in time we are from our food intake when we go to bed, the more likely it is for the GH secretion to begin at bedtime.
Even in healthy humans, Insulin inhibits growth hormone (GH) release, and insulin is high during the fed state. This is why during the feed state, GH cannot be measured. Fasting removes that inhibition of GH release. By the time morning comes, there is a second peak of growth hormone that may be interrupted by breakfast.
Delaying breakfast to AFTER a workout may in turn promote hGH activity.
The benefits of Growth Hormone
The benefits of hGH are multiple. Early in the morning, when our blood sugar is low, Growth Hormone increases the production of Glucose in the liver. To accomplish this, the liver uses non-carbohydrate sources like amino acids from muscle and fatty acids from our body fat. You may say that the liver makes us breakfast. Then sugar is released into the blood stream. Even while fasting, our blood glucose levels are maintained at a safe level. We really don’t need breakfast for energy. This process is called gluconeogenesis.
Fat Metabolism with Growth Hormone
hGH helps increase the mobilization of fatty acids from our body fat so that it can be used for the production of energy. This helps make the metabolic switch. By providing fatty acids as a source of energy, HGH indirectly spares the muscle and protein that could otherwise be used for energy.
Anabolism with Growth Hormone
But hGH also promotes muscle mass growth that increases strength and performance.Together with routine workouts, Growth Hormone helps increase vitality with age. Young men my perform better at the Gym and look better in the swimming pool. Keeping hGH levels high will prevent changes common among aging men, including: decrease lean body mass, expansion of adipose-tissue mass, and thinning of skin of old age.
High Intensity Interval Training also promotes growth hormone.
By the time I start my workouts, I am already in the late fasting period. But is this late fasting period the best time to be doing exercise? By the 20th hour of my fasting, my glycogen stores have been long depleted. Then, the mobilization of fat becomes my main source of energy.
I have been doing my workouts in deep fasting and I have found an increase in performance and endurance.
Using fat stores for energy has two great benefits:
Fat stores are progressively decreased and
Energy becomes abundant because the fat metabolism is much more efficient than the glucose-metabolism.
The need for food before working out is a fallacy.
Exogenous Growth Hormone
The physical changes in my body composition may result from growth hormone triggered by fasting or training, or both.
Growth hormone administration, however, may not result in improved muscle strength and function. These are the result of my resistance and endurance training. These benefits come from real effort. Growth hormone administration results in increased lean body mass and decrease fat mass in older persons.
However, the effects on muscle strength and physical performance are not consistent. There has been a lot of interest in administration of GH to increase longevity, but results so far have been disappointing, with few documented benefits and many troublesome side effects. Undoutedly the best approach to GH secretion for longevity and vitality is the natural approach
OMAD induces Growth Hormone
OMAD induces a combination of the Metabolic Switch with the increase in growth hormone production. This combination seems to prevents the age-related muscle atrophy and muscle weakness so common beyond 60 years of age. In my case, I feel more inclined to exercise than ever before, and my performance has been surprising, specially for me. Contrary to popular believe, OMAD has made me stronger and more muscular than ever before.
Whatever your age, I believe that you can change you life by improving your health and your fitness with intermittent fasting in general and OMAD in particular.