Training while Fasting

Training while fasting

It is really a good idea to exercise without breakfast? After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, or so would the food companies like you to believe.

Back in my 30s, I used to wake up to a 1 hour jogging routine, early in the morning (5 am to 6 am), before my breakfast. It felt good to have my breakfast after exercise. However, changes in my career forced me to give up that routine. Commuting for more than 1 hr and longer hours of work made it difficult to meet both my career and health goals.


Slugish after eating

Between 2014 and this summer, I was doing my exercise routine after a breakfast that included a banana and a 5.3 oz of Greek yogourt and coffee. This is when I went back to my OMAD regimen and found out that exercising before my one meal was better than after the meal. The video below explains the scientific reasons. However, beyond science, I have felt that my performance is much reduced after eating. After eating, I feel sluggish, less motivated and more likely to fail to complete my exercise routine.

It may seem hard to believe unless you try it. But in my experience, training while fasting is far more effective than the alternative.

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