Testosterone and IF (Intermittent Fasting)

Long life and testosterone

When I said in the front page of this website: “Life is looking up”, I mean in every way. It would not be very meaningful to live a long, unhealthy life. Not if you are too weak or too sick to live life to the fullest, and that includes sexual prowess. When we are in intermittent fasting (IF), are the sexual hormones in proper function, even at age 50 or over? Yes, of course! In the video below are some details on what we can do and eat to maintain high Testosterone levels. Testosterone is so important, not only to our sexual prowess but to our health in general.


Intermittent Fasting, HGH and Testosterone

I started IF almost 10 years ago, because of my concerns about prostatic cancer, prevalent in my family history. IF helped me lose weight, which is good since obesity is a predisposing factor for prostatic cancer. But IF also has increased my vitality and helped me maintain a high level of physical activity, exercise, and fitness. These at levels far superior to those at any time in my life, even when in my teens or twenties. IF has kept me in constant ketosis, limit my insulin levels and spikes to one a day. Thus, IF has allowed me to keep adequate growth hormone and testosterone levels. In turn I keep a daily routine of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) including pushups, weight lifting, and pull-ups. And yes, my muscles have continue to grow over the years, to my surprise and delight.

So when I said that life is looking up, I mean that I am getting stronger, more active and brighter with age, thanks to IF and HIIT.

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