Skin Folds with OMAD

OMAD and hormonal changes

Here is yet another story of fast weight loss with one meal a day (OMAD). I have little doubt that OMAD is the steady state for humans. Eating more often is not healthy and it may be the very cause of obesity. Particularly carbohydrate and sugar-based diets and processed foods. It seems to me that even after reaching your goal weight it makes sense to keep feasting and fasting with OMAD. This regimen has multiple hormonal benefits, including low insulin, high growth hormone, and autophagy.


Autophagy and skin folds

Skin folds are common among people that once where morbidly obese and lose all the weight relatively fast. In the video below, Dr. Berg suggests that skin folds may disappear over time due to autophagy. I once was obese (227 lbs), I am now 162 lb. I did it all with OMAD, and I did not lose the weight too fast (over years rather than months). I continued to eat what I always ate, including carbs (potatoes, pasta, rice, and bread) and exercised daily and intensely for at least 2 hrs. Perhaps the slower progression of my weight loss, I did not have a skin fold issue. I have long suspected that this is because of autophagy, and that the folds could actually resolve in due time. This would be a good reason to enter an OMAD regimen to lose large amount of weight for obese people.

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