Skin Folds and Autophagy

OMAD and skin folds

Previously, I posted a video featuring Dr. Berg suggesting that skin folds may disappear over time with autophagy. Since OMAD encourages autophagy, it follows that OMAD will reduce skin folds that appear due to dramatic weight loss. I have been using OMAD for 10 years and lost >28% of my body weight (65lb from 227lb to 162lb). So I am sure you are curious to know if I have lots of loose skin. Remember, I started at age 53, I am now 62. I lost my weight over 5 years (2009-2014). Despite the loss, I have no skin folds whatsoever. In fact, some old stretch marks product of my weight gain over the years, have dissapeared from my legs. I do not have wrinkly skin that I would complain about, despite my age.


What prevented the skin folds with OMAD

It is interesting how scientists explain things that I had previously attributed to simple causes. I always thought that I had avoided loose skin by losing the weight over a prolonged period of time. Now we understand that skin folds could be prevented by autophagy. Skin elasticity is the result of collagen production by fibroblasts. As we age, old cells decrease their production of collagen. We know that that OMAD, promotes autophagy in old, disfuncional cells, even in the aging population. This, in turn, promotes collagen production in the connective tissues of the body, including the skin.


Skin wrinkles

One of the most obvious signs of aging are the wrinkles in our skin. Obviously, it is hard to tell whether your skin is excessively wrinkled for your age. However, in my 62 years of age, I don’t think that this is something I would complain about. I assume that I am not excessively wrinkled because I don’t think that I am self-conscious about it. If this is correct, I would have to assume that autophagy has protected me, thanks to my OMAD regimen. This would certainly count as one additional, bonus benefit I was not counting on when I first started my OMAD.

Let’s just watch Dr. LeGrand’s video about autophagy and skin folds. This is certainly a good basis for continuing with OMAD for life!

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