Physical and Mental Vigor with OMAD

I have a question for you: In what decade of your life do you plan to accept that you are old? At the age of 64, I find it difficult to see myself as an old man. Like never before, I feel healthy and vigorous. My exercise routine includes hundreds of push-ups and dozens of pull-ups in the space of an hour, even after tennis practice. And when I don’t do calisthenics, I hike for 70 to 100 minutes. In this video I reveal how the one meal a day (or OMAD) regimen, every day of my life makes me feel young and ready for my next adventure. Let’s talk about physical and mental vigor, at any age.

Hello, this is Juan Sarmiento. After 11 years at OMAD I found that science explains the changes that make me feel young, active and vigorous like never before in my life. In this video I will explain in simple words the scientific bases of why I don’t feel old despite my years. Also I will show you: how you too can preserve your vigor at your current age. But first, don’t forget to “like” this video and subscribe to this channel. Please, click on the bell to receive the notification of my videos coming up.

My experience with UCAD

A happy life is not a matter of accepting your age, but how do you feel at your current age. For example, I turned 64 last month, but I feel better than when I was 24. This is not an exaggeration. Of course, I may die tomorrow due to an accident or other unexpected event, but I am in very good health and feeling great. This despite seeing people my age, and referring to them as old. Certainly, I would think of my parents at my age as old. But I have difficulty seeing myself as old, despite my gray hair. The best part is that, if you don’t feel that way, you can still change your mental and physical vigors.

11 years ago, I was in decline, obese, discouraged, and even depressed. At that time, perhaps, I had accepted that I was aging rapidly. I knew I should do something about my obesity, but I didn’t know what. I had already done multiple calorie restriction diets for long months at a time, but they never resulted in a permanent change. I also went for long daily walks but they did not appear to have any effect. So in the fall of 2009, I discovered OMAD as a lifestyle. Don’t miss the video in which I describe how I started. You will see the link for this and other videos that I mention here, in the upper right corner of your screen. 

With OMAD, my life changed forever. Not only did I progressively lose weight until I reached my ideal weight, but I suddenly began to enjoy my exercises, and little by little I began to increase my muscle mass. But I also began to feel happy, as if my brain had changed. I was no longer depressed or in decline. 

Mental Vigor

OMAD causes changes in fatty acids, ketones, neurotransmitters, brain-derived neurotropic factor, cytokines, ghrelin, leptin, and autophagy. Several of these factors are potential contributors to the amelioration of depression. By discovering this in the scientific literature, I have been able to explain my psychicological change since starting my OMAD regimen. In addition, I found that my mental performance was also increasing. The amazing thing is that my research into the cause of these changes made me see the significant benefits of OMAD for the brain.

The ketones produced during intermittent fasting stimulate the expression of the gene that determines the brain-derived neurotropic factor (or BDNF). This molecule is critical for the function and survival of neurons. What’s more, BDNF slows the cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. On the other hand, OMAD reduces basal insulin levels. Hyperinsulinemia causes Type III Diabetes, as some scientists commonly refer to Alzheimer’s disease. Obesity and high blood pressure are predisposing factors to Alzheimer’s disease.

So, it is very likely that my mental acuity may last longer than expected. I have every reason to feel mentally younger than I really am.

Benefits of Ketones

Ketones are the result of the mobilization of body fat, especially around 24 hours of fasting. To reach the mobilization of fat, liver and muscle glycogen must be consumed and thus activate the metabolic switch (do not miss my video on this topic). The body, in need of energy, then obtains it from fatty acids transformed into ketones in the liver. The energy produced from ketones is more flexible and efficient, especially for the brain. But ketones are much more than just fuel during periods of fasting. Ketones are a powerful signal with important effects on certain cellular and organic functions. They regulate the expression and activity of many proteins and molecules that influence health and aging.

Disease Resistance

Intermittent fasting improves obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidymia, hypertension, and inflammation. By keeping basal insulin levels low, OMAD also helps prevent and reverse Type II Diabetes, which has many negative effects in the elderly. These effects include high blood pressure and kidney complications that can end in a fatal outcome. But in addition, the OMAD regimen, accompanied by high intensity interval training (HIIT) towards the end of the fast, promotes autophagy, which has benefits in the prevention of cancer and viral diseases, as well as the strengthening of the immune system. Without a doubt, these diseases can cause the weakening of our bodies and accelerate aging, in addition to reducing our vigor and physical performance. Obviously avoiding them can result in longevity. But these benefits should be of interest to any individual at any age.

Physical Vigor

One meal a day, before 3 pm, results in the elevation of growth hormone, which has significant effects on physical vigor and vitality in the elderly, or at any age, for that matter. That is why, I think, that my physical fitness is the best of my life, despite my age. The possibility of losing muscle mass with intermittent fasting is controversial. Studies have shown that young men who fast for 16 hours daily, lose fat while maintaining muscle mass with resistance training. Other studies show that women in resistance training can achieve muscle hypertrophy and improve their performance with intermittent fasting. At my age, I continue to gain muscle with my calisthenics (pull-ups and push-ups) and weight lifting. So it is not true that intermittent fasting should lead to muscle weakness. On the contrary, growth hormone and ketones will contribute to better physical performance.

Live is an Adventure

Answering the initial question, it is not about “accepting” that one is aging, this one accepts as early as 30 or 40 years. It is about living our best at any age. In my case, almost by accident, I discovered that my life could change. It even seemed a contradiction that in my 50’s I could have a physical vigor like never before. I think I would have enjoyed these changes much more, if I had made them when I was in my 20’s. But now I see a bright future, full of adventure. Don’t wait until 50 to change your life, enjoy it from today, starting your OMAD regimen. If you are past 60, it is not too late to regain your physical and mental vigor. There is no reason to wait any longer.

These days I am planning to move to Spain since I live in California. My goal is to harness my health and vigor by exploring an adventurous new life in Europe. I’m just waiting for the Covid-19 vaccine. You wonder, could you achieve such a fortune? Yes, of course. My motivation with my videos is to share what I discovered 11 years ago so that you too can enjoy a new life.

Preventing serious and chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease could prolong our lives. Strengthening our immune system would help us resist infectious diseases such as Covid 19. Increasing our physical and mental performance would help us achieve our goals and live happier lives. That is why I like to say that with OMAD, “Life is to look up.”

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