Kayla Cox interviews
Juan Sarmiento

OMAD Interview

OMAD means One Meal a Day. This is a form of Intermittent Fasting (IF). In this regimen, individuals eat only once a day for about 1 hr, and they fast the remaining 23 hrs.  Kayla Cox: Juan Sarmiento found that OMAD helped him beat obesity and helped him feel like he was 30 years old even though he’s actually 62.  Juan Sarmiento: Between 2009 and 2014, I lost 28% of my body weight with OMAD, when it was not even “a thing”. Today I have gone back to OMAD as an approach to longevity and vitality. Here is the link to The OMAD Interview Video in case you want to share it with family and friends.

What is Feast, Fast for Life?

This website was created to share with you my experiences with OMAD as a way to reverse obesity. But wait, OMAD may also favor vitality, health, and longevity. Please explore the blog. There are dozens of articles, often accompanied by YouTube videos delving deep into the science behind the benefits of Intermittent Fasting (IF) in general and OMAD in particular. I use the term Feast because you can eat to satiety, and it matters little what you eat. The term Fast applies to the 24 hr fasting every day, although you can adapt to it, starting with other, less aggressive forms of IF. Why do I say for life? well because the benefits are so many that your life will be visibly improved, and prolonged that you may be saving your life. OMAD may be used to reverse obesity and chronic diseases such as diabetes. I also use the term “for life” because you can easily adapt to OMAD and do it for the rest of your life!

The Forum

Do you want to share your experiences? do you want to ask questions? Then you should visit The Forum. Here is your opportunity to make your point of view known. I will try to let you know mine, if I could help at all. Remember, I have been doing OMAD since 2009, so chances are I have already experience some of your concerns. I can either put you at easy or point you in the right direction. 

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