OMAD and Muscle

Starting at age 53, I reduced my body fat from 40% to 20%. But I also gain lean body mass and I am now stronger and fitter than ever before in my life. I accomplished this without potions, pills or injections of an kind with one meal a day or OMAD. This is because of the effects of OMAD on my own endogenous Growth Hormone. I belive that you too can change your life, whether you are 20 or 70 years old. If you are thinking that intermittent fasting (IF) might reduce your muscle mass. Let’s explore this subject a little. Keep in mind that after 10 years (on and off) of one meal a day (OMAD) I have not experienced such change. Let’s talk about OMAD and muscle growth.

The Hulk or the shredded look

Body-builders traditionally “bulk up” with multiple meals a day including protein (chicken usually) and vegetables. They consume up to 6000 calories a day, while they work out their muscles with extreme weight lifting. If they were to have only OMAD, they could not eat much more than 3000 calories (see video below). Most of us, however, regard lean or even shredded physic as the ideal, rather than the “Hulk” look.

IF impeeds muscle gains?

The question is, would IF get in the way of muscle gaining? Now that IF has become popular, I have seen videos of bodybuilders using OMAD to drop their body fat to below 10% (shredded look). However, most of the time they are at about 13% (lean look). Getting to that stage is exceedingly difficult. I have been working out for years, and I am happy when I see my body fat below 20%. I presume that I would have to spend more than 2 hrs in a gym daily in order to reduce my body fat to such levels.

For us regular guys, we want to lose weight, lose that fat and become more athletic. To accomplish this, a good exercise regimen is essential. I like doing calisthenics (pushups and pullups) and some weight lifting using dumbbells for 70 min/day. Then 60 min of tennis with Ulla every morning. I exercise while fasting and have my OMAD after the exercise (11am-12pm). Fortunately, OMAD is flexible and even younger guys with more intense training, are adapting to this eating regimen. I am not a user of the ketogenic diet. However, I do restrict my carbs, compared with what I used to do 6 months ago. Please do your own research about the Keto diet.

The real effects of IF on muscles

Biologically, how is OMAD or IF going to affect my muscle growth? it depends on the HGH (human growth hormone). Since OMAD actually favors HGH, you may find OMAD beneficial to your muscle growth. Particularly if you exercise while in the fasted state. Since HGH is secreted at night, you should have a good resting sleep and avoid eating late at night. This is because Insulin suppresses HGH up to 12 hours after your meal. Eating before noon and exercising in the morning may result in muscle-growth promoted by HGH.

The real effects of IF on real people, at any age

I for one, have increased my muscle mass far beyond my expectations. I have been fasting for 20 hours by the time I start my workouts and have experience no lack of energy… and I am almost 63 years old. I have never felt better in my life. I was one of those guys that hated exercise. I was a couch potato. I started to change my life 10 years ago, and will keep on doing it for the rest of my life.

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