Less Hunger, More Energy

Hunger and OMAD

Between 2009 and 2014 I ate only one meal a day (OMAD), seven days a week. Since then, I established a workout routine that far exceeds what I ever did in my 20’s. Accordingly, my muscle development was far superior to any I had never experienced at any age. Only recently, I discover the science behind my transformation.

I am now convinced that my approach is beneficial. I expect that a day not far away from today, human beings will eat like this. They will have lean, energetic and healthy bodies. I have to believe that one day, doctors will be more focused on understanding our bodies and our diets. Doctors will be less concerned with diagnosing conditions and giving us pills to treat them. This will undoubtedly result in an unprecedented increase in life expectancy. No longer will we have to feel food deprived to lose weight, in fact, that is completely the wrong approach.

Hunger will vanish

Compared to a conventional calorie-restricted diet, fasting means that you will lose more weight in the form of fat, you’ll keep more muscle, you’ll have more energy, and you’ll be less hungry. Calorie-restrictive diets make us more hungry because and less energetic. Our bodies will respond to the caloric restriction with decrease metabolic activity. We become more efficient at absorbing energy and nutrients. Our bodies are, in a way, preparing for a period of famine ahead.

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