OMAD and the New Reality

The Coronavirus Pandemic

With the Coronavirus pandemic, we are facing a new world with major changes in our lifestyle and job schedule. How could we adapt, keep a healthy life and maybe even prevent or resist the disease? In this video I am going to suggest a new lifestyle. Both corporations and employees alike could benefit from it in the new world we find ourselves. Let’s talk about OMAD and the New Reality.

OMAD, Autophagy and the Coronavirus

Even after we overcome the pandemic, there has been a change in our lives for which there is no return. Specially when it comes to the workplace and our daily routines. For those of us in the OMAD regimen, there will be many benefits. Let me show you how to adapt to the new reality and simultaneously adjust to the OMAD regimen?

Over the last few years, I have developed a new lifestyle that consists of:

  • An early morning workout.
  • One meal a day (OMAD) in late morning.
  • A work-at-home afternoon and evening.

It turns out that working out in deep fasting stimulates autophagy, which is the intracellular recycling system. Among the benefits of autophagy is the resistance to some viral infections. Autophagy might help in resisting the coronavirus infection as well. In a recent video, I told you about the resistance to viruses through autophagy, which may be promoted by OMAD. In another video, I cited the difficulties in making OMAD the routine for most people in today’s society. If you have a regular job, do you commute after you workout? Then do you have your only meal at work? Or do you wait to eat at home with your family. Ironically, since that last video, it seems, our world has been transformed.

A changing workplace

Now, with the Coronavirus pandemic, we are facing a changed world that will affect us for months or even longer. The most obvious change is the quarantine due to the virus spreading so quickly. Once we return to work, corporations are bound to consider flextime a priority: Leave it to employees to decide a good working schedule that would fit the new lifestyles, consequence of the pandemic. Some employees have already been asked to work from home. Just weeks ago, that would have been thought impossible. The lack of flextime would force employees in OMAD, to have their meal in a workplace cafeteria or lounge. Now, it is questionable whether having a meal in any cafeteria or restaurant is even a good idea.

Working from home, employees may have the flexibility to workout and eat, before work. Thanks to technology we can have teleconferencing with our boss and produce reports without ever leaving our homes. That would make OMAD accessible to people that would have avoided it because of the demands of the job. In a previous video, I touch on the benefits of early time restricted feeding, before 2pm in the afternoon. In another video, I showed how an early OMAD may benefit the secretion of hGH. There is really no wrong way to do OMAD so how you adapt to it is up to you. But I have to recommend the early meal and even earlier fasted workout.

A changing reality

Today, I had a feel of this new reality when I saw many empty shelves in my local supermarket. This means that the abundance we have been used to for decades may be coming to an end. Ironically, the shelves that were empty were those of carbohydrates like flour, rice, pasta and sugar. I don’t believe in fear or panic as a motivator. But the current situation may be the catalyst for a transformative OMAD regimen for most of us.

The OMAD lifestyle for the new world

I have been doing OMAD since 2009, and have now adapted to it as my lifestyle. Therefore, I feel inclined to help others to ease their minds about OMAD. They may decide that OMAD would be a good approach to resist disease or to prepare for temporary scarcity. Avoiding 3 meals a day will not only make us lose excess weight. It will help promote autophagy, and tap into our body fat for energy. Ketones, the metabolites resulting from body fat mobilization, are the most efficient energy source. Ketones are the ideal source of energy for the brain, the heart and skeletal muscles. Thus, our mental and physical performance could easily exceed all previous standards. We could be more productive, not only because of our performance, but because we will spend less time cooking.

Easing into OMAD

How do we ease into OMAD? After all, we have been eating 3 meals and the occasional snack most of our lives. It is not that difficult, really. In my case I simply used a little determination, desperate as I was to change my life. If you commit to 21 days of continuous OMAD, you will complete the metabolic switch and never look back. Fortunately, you don’t have to go into OMAD immediately, although I recommend highly that you do. You have the rest of your life to delight in your physical changes and any intermittent fasting form will do. If you don’t think you can start with OMAD, begin by delaying your breakfast and having your dinner earlier. This way you can increase your fasting window at your own pace. At first, you may reach the 18:6 intermittent fasting routine.

You will find that breakfast is unnecessary. This is because early in the morning, we have a spike in human growth hormone (HGH). It promotes both lipolysis (fat mobilization) and gluconeogenesis or glucose production from fat in the liver. This means that our liver makes us breakfast. Instead of breakfast, do your workout in the morning, to further promote HGH and autophagy. Yes, exercise such as High Intensity Interval Training, combined with fasting is a powerful promoter of lipolysis and autophagy. This is specially true if you workout 18 hours after your last meal. Doing this will also keep you in ketosis, which has great effects both on the brain and muscle. Then, you can slowly reduce the window between lunch and dinner until you reach OMAD.

Benefits of OMAD

If flextime becomes the norm, we could go to work after our early morning workout and a late-morning OMAD. Once adapted, we will experience greater mental productivity, better physical performance and appearance, and abundant health. Perhaps we could even avoid the Coronavirus infection, and resist chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. We might even be able to keep our wits about us in the supermarket. We will be confident that we are equipped to fast for an indefinite period of time.

If you want to see my transformation since I started my OMAD regimen, click here: Photos.

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