Is OMAD for Men Only?

I just received a link to a youtube video where a Venezuelan lady discusses intermittent fasting “pros and cons”. It really disappointed me because this lady said that IF is not for women, for hormonal reasons. I won’t get into the details or share the video (it is in Spanish) because I feel is very misguided (the lady admits never to have tried IF. Instead, I am going to make the opposite argument which is: IF in general and very especially OMAD in particular have such important and numerous benefits that it would be a real shame if women began to believe that it is meant for men only.

My belief is that in the future when science catches up and more and more people believe to experience the benefits of OMAD, most people will eat one meal a day and enjoy its benefits. But first, you have to adapt to this lifestyle (it is NOT just another diet fad). I imagine that as we humans evolved as hunter-gatherers, we would have long periods of fasting interrupted by brief periods of feasting. Because I have been doing OMAD for 10 years (since Nov. 2009), I feel that this is the way my life is and I have no reason to miss or desire to eat more meals in a day. Getting used to this pattern of eating, should not take any more than 3 weeks.

Recently, my wife Ulla also got started IF, first eating 2 meals, then reducing the eating period to 4 hours and before the 3 weeks was up, she was doing the OMAD routine. More impressively still, Ulla reduced her carbohydrate intake to 30 gms, and within 3 months she had reduced over 30 lbs. She accomplished this weight loss at a faster rate than I ever had. I reduced 65 lbs, but over a period of 5 years (Nov. 2009-Nov. 2014). So, when someone says that IF is not for women, I get worried that ladies might fail to see the life-changing benefits of OMAD. Incidentally, Ulla has become more aggressive in the Tennis court, and it is very hard to compete with her now. OMAD has undoubtedly, effects on the desire to become more active at any age, and women are no exception.

Below are 3 examples of women reporting their experiences with IF. I am especially fond of Kayla Cox story because it is similar to mine, although she is a mom. She has also changed her life and developed an affinity for exercise to levels she could have never imagine before IF.

Then there is Kimberly, who started at 370 lbs, and now is very fit and, like me, she was resigned to her obesity, after many unproductive, low-calorie diets that left her irritable and lacking the energy to do a proper fitness program. Like me, she did the OMAD regime without even knowing that it was “a thing”. Just watch this!

Finally, I could not resist including this video of two young women experiencing IF for the first time, for 1 week only. Too bad they did not push for a little while longer, so they would have adapted to it, see the benefits and adopt IF as a new lifestyle!
However, it is quite clear that women can and DO adopt IF as a lifestyle, and see the benefits far beyond weight loss.

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