IF and Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

How many push-ups can one do?

When I first started my OMAD plan (back then it was not even a “thing”), I was walking for 45 minutes a day as my only exercise. As I began to lose weight, I sought to increase my activity to lose weight faster. In fact, you will feel that IF is increasing your energy levels, and you will feel inclined to exercise more. Soon I was walking for up to 2 hrs and doing push-ups. At first, I could only do a handful of push-ups until I learned about the pyramid push-up training method (more about this later). Before I knew it, I was doing 100, 200, 300 and more push-ups a day. Believe it or not, I got to 2500 push-ups in a day. Lately, I have varied my push-up format to be more intense and demanding on my body, and today I make an extreme form of push-ups with up to 950 extreme pushups a day.


HGH and workout performance

As I lost more weight and my physique changed to a more athletic one, I kept telling my wife that push-ups could cure anything. It made me feel young, and my aches and pains, if they appeared, they soon subsided. But the truth is, I was wrong. The push-ups were not the cure, they were the result of my IF. Why? The answer is in the connection to Human Growth Hormone (HGH). In this video, it is all explained. Once you know this, you will realize that IF is the beginning of a new life, which I have experienced and I would like you to enjoy too. After all, I don’t want to end up alone at age 95. Suffice it to say that after 10 years of OMAD (and even regular 3 meals a day for a period in between), I can sincerely say that I am proof that what this video says is very real. The entire world should take it to heart.


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