How to Lose Weight Consistently

Back in 2009, before I started my OMAD (one meal a day) routine, I was routinely walking for 45-50 minutes every day. This burns about 250 calories. Once I began to lose weight, from 227 to 200 lb, I increased my walking to 2 hrs for a 570 calorie burn up daily. It seemed like a lot of time and effort for not much result. It seemed, however, that I began to develop more and more enthusiasm for exercise and began to do push-ups, body weight lifting and playing tennis. As it turns out, 1 hr of calisthenics (vigorous effort), can burn 600 calories, and one hour of tennis can burn 500 calories. My 2 hrs of exercise are best invested in intense training, rather than just walking.

Exercise is great but you need more than that to lose weight consistently. Here is a video that describes what I do OMAD and intense exercise. I hope you can incorporate something similar to your daily routine. Your efforts will be rewarded. Please start slow. In a future video, I will give you a great tip to start building the number of replicates, in your intense exercise, such as push-ups.

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