How to lose weight and gain muscle with OMAD at age 50+

How to lose weight and gain muscle with OMAD at age 50+

Lose weight and gain muscle with OMAD

OMAD is far more than a regimen to lose weight and gain muscle. OMAD is part of a lifestyle that results in health, vitality and even possibly longevity. Anyone of any age can start a similar regimen and enjoy the multiple benefits.

About Juan

Hi My name is Juan Sarmiento. I am a Veterinarian with a PhD in Pathology. I was born in Caracas, Venezuela and I’m 62 years old. I have been a scientist for most of my life. Because my focus has always been on my career I did not have much time for exercise or eating healthy, let alone worry about fitness.

Motivation to change my life

Ten years ago, I was at a crossroads. I was 227 lbs. and my BMI (or body mass index) was 32.6, which means that I was past overweight into obese territory. To top it all off, I was 40% in body fat. Since age 45 I have been always concerned about prostatic cancer because I lost my father to this disease when he was in his early 50’s. In 2009, I made a routine visit to my doctor who patted me on the belly and said: “you need to lose weight because obesity is a risk factor for prostatic cancer”. That was the first time anyone called me obese. I was annoyed. So I asked him to suggest what I could do to lose weight. After all, I ate a low-fat “healthy” diet and I walked every day. He could not suggest anything. However, I had made the decision to make a change, I just did not know how.

Why One-Meal-A-Day?

Later on that year, in Sept 2009, I watched a 60 Minutes interview of General Stanley McChrystal, who was the Commander of the US forces in Afganistan at the time. He said that he jogged for 7 miles every morning and ate one meal a day. He is just 2 years older than me so I felt I could do the same, at least eat one meal a day. Perhaps one day I could even jog 7 miles a day as well. I did not know then whether the strategy would work for me at all. I just knew that this was probably the last chance I would have bring my obesity under control.

The OMAD lifestyle

So… I started the one-meal-a day regimen, non-stop for 5 years. I created a new lifestyle and lost 28% of my body weight. Best of all, I became more fit than I have ever been in my life, even in my youth. One-meal-a-day or OMAD, as people call it now, changed my life. By age 57, I was 161 lbs with a BMI of 24 and my body fat was now below 20%. All the while I gained muscle.

Is it sustainable?

You may wonder if OMAD would be sustainable overtime. After all with most calorie restrictive diets with or without exercise the weight usually comes back. I am proof of the benefits of OMAD overtime, even at an age when most people resist any change. In fact, I restarted my OMAD lifestyle 1 1/2 ago, simply because of its multiple health benefits. I intend to stay on it for the rest life. Now a days, there is plenty of science to explain the changes in my physical appearance, my health, my mental acquity and outlook in life.

The goals of FeastFastForLife

My goal with this Youtube channel is to disseminate the idea that anyone can change their lives at any age by improving their health and fitness through intermittent fasting in general and OMAD in particular. If you want to find out how to do this, please visit my website at There you’ll see more details about my story and many articles that explain the scientific basis for the changes I’ve experienced. Also please subscribe to this YouTube Channel and click on the bell below so you get a notification of my new videos coming up. This is Juan Sarmiento. And remember this, “Life is looking up”. Here is my YouTube channel: Click here for more details about Juan’s journey
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