Fried Plantain
Deep fried vs. uncoocked plantain.

Fried Plantain

Select the fruit

Pick a plantain that is transitioning from green to yellow. Pick the green and you will have trouble getting the peel off. Get one that is too yellow, and it will be too soft, being more sweet than firm.


Remove the peel

With a very sharp, long knife, make a cut along the longest edge. Do not go deep into the fruit. Dig with your thumb between the peel and the fruit and thus remove the peel. It makes take some effort, but if you selected a yellow fruit, this process should not be too hard.


Slice the fruit

Using a sharp, long knife, slice the fruit. The thinner the slice, the crunchier the product will be. Spread the slices on a paper towel.


Fry and serve

Place them at the bottom of the basket of your home deep fryer. Fry until golden brown. Remove from the fryer and let it sit on a paper towel for a few minutes. Sprinkle salt on all slices and serve.


Nutritional Information

Plantain is rich in carbohydrates, as you would expect, so be careful if you have diabetes or pre-diabetes concerns. However, it is otherwise recommended with the OMAD diet because of its high content of potassium. Fried plantains are an easy way to add coconut oil and salt to your diet. I use Himalayan salt which makes great contributions to my electrolyte requirements.


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