Eating Less Often: Good For You?

How important is breakfast?

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. We have all heard that, but is it based on science? not really. This is a myth created by the food industry.

I remember when I was young, waking up early to make it to the bus that would take me to school. That early, the least appealing thing was to put something in my stomach, so I spent those few minutes, making my lunch bag. As it turns out, I did not miss it. But by 10 am I was very hungry. Still, I could hold up until lunch. This never became a “thing” for me, and eventually, I settled for the 3 meals a day.


How often should we eat?

The fact is that many of us can skip breakfast without any negative effects. Is it possible that we are simply eating what the food industry invests into convincing us to eat? As it turns out, is not so much what you eat, but how often and how long you eat.

One way is to find out for yourself. Be your own experiment. You could start by skipping breakfast and observe the results in your body. You could choose to eat what you like the most, as long as you keep it within a 5 hr window and you would change your life. Really, it is up to you, trust your body to tell you what it works for you. In my case, breakfast is not my favorite meal. In fact, I have no appetite whatsoever in the mornings. Eating less often may have surprising effects in your body.


Possible effects of eating less often:

Study those effects: how do you feel? how is your health? Do you have aches and pains? do you have any autoimmune diseases? are they getting better? Is it possible that they might get better? How about your muscles? do you feel active? is your body responding with more energy? There is a lot of scientific data to support the idea that eating less is a great idea at any age, but especially for us aging baby boomers.
One way is to find out for yourself. Be your own experiment:


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