How to Fulfill Your Dreams (Beyond OMAD)

How to Fulfill Your Dreams (Beyond OMAD)

I recently received an e-mail that contained the following statement. Let’s see if this sounds familiar to you: “I want to lose 45 pounds but I don’t have the willpower, I’m too conditioned to always do the same things.” In this video I explain how to set goals and complete them without requiring “willpower”. You will see how achieving your desires can be actually, quite natural.

Hello everyone, this is Juan Sarmiento. Newton’s First Law states: “Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.” This law applies to your current state of life, and you can change it, without the need of willpower. Let me show you how. But first, don’t forget to “like” this video and subscribe to my channel. Remember to click on the bell to receive the notifications of my videos to come.

Rest or Motion?

When you admit that you are conditioned to always do the same things, as in Newton’s first law, you admit that you are more comfortable in a state of rest. The idea of changing your life seems attractive to you, but you think that you lack the motivation to start. However, there are individuals who are more comfortable in a state of motion. When they see a problem, they act immediately, even without knowing if their actions could make the situation worse. For them, staying in the direction of their goals is part of happiness.

Sometimes we dream of a better life, but we question our ability or knowledge to achieve it. Thus, we settle for living as we have always lived, without taking any risks to achieve that better future. Then we accept that it was just a dream that fades away easily. Tomorrow will be another day, and other dreams will come. The only thing you lost is what existed in your imagination, nothing more. But what if you had rushed to move in the direction of that dream? What if you had jumped over the initial hurdle that is your conformity?

It may seem reckless to you, but the people in motion have the need to act. They get started knowing that they can always course-correct, if necessary. These individuals also conform to Newton’s first law. That is, they are comfortable when they are in motion towards their goals. But, if you are part of one of these two groups, it is not difficult to switch to the other. It is about applying the necessary force, as the law says. The best part is that it is not necessary to apply a Herculean force. Sometimes a slight push is enough to put an object in motion. Even if we don’t know if the direction is correct or the force is sufficient.

Your Ideal Body

Let me illustrate this for you. When I started my one meal a day (OMAD) regimen, I didn’t know if it was going to work for me. That’s why you have an advantage over me, since today’s science supports the use of the OMAD regimen to lose weight, increase your physical and mental performance, and even prevent diseases (don’t forget to check my previous video on the matter).

But in 2009, when I started, the only evidence I had, was the story of General Stanley McChrystal. Despite being 2 years older than me, he ran 7 miles every day and ate one meal a day, every day. For me, OMAD was at first like rolling a ball with a slight push. In a matter of 3 weeks, I started to lose weight and increase my physical performance. Luckily, I was on the right track and the results began to emerge. In just weeks I was adapted to a new lifestyle that changed my life forever. With every pound lost, I found the motivation to keep on going, even during the periods of little or no weight loss.

A New Life

The idea of changing our lives may seem unattainable. But we can break down this large objective into small goals that can be achieved with relatively little time and effort. It is much easier to plan and achieve an immediate goal than a large objective, like changing your life. Earl Nightingale defined success as the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. Therefore, by completing those small goals in the direction of our large objective makes us already successful. If we see ourselves as successful people, we will be confident that we will achieve our objectives. It won’t matter how unattainable they might seem at first. It is just a matter of time.

Here’s another example: A few months ago, my wife and I decided to move to Spain. This had been our “dream” for years, but we were never willing to leave our home, occupation and belongings. Besides, the obstacles seemed numerous and difficult. Even after having made the decision, we did not know where to start. My first step was to put together my clothes that I have not worn for years and to donate them. Since that first step, every day, we have been completing a new task such as: Dispose of belongings, renovate parts of our house, or fulfill some legal procedure. With each completed action we feel that we are closer to Spain.

With each goal achieved, our determination is greater without the need to appeal to our willpower. We simply increase our conviction that our dream is already an achievable objective. In this way we maintain the momentum, day after day. No need to summon our willpower at every step. Our inertia is not rest but movement with or without acceleration. This is the state that we feel most comfortable in, as we achieve one goal after another.

You Too, Can Do It!

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that my case is special. As I already said, it is not difficult to belong to the group of people who keep moving towards their goals. It is enough to continue meeting daily goals in the right direction and correct course when necessary. To start, a light push is enough. Always remember to celebrate each goal achieved as they will bring you closer and closer to your objective.

Life is a series of random events. Some of them may be necessary to achieve one of your goals, yet take some time to occur. Your solution may be to find an alternative route, or patiently wait for that delayed event. Breaking down your objective into multiple goals gives you the option to move on to other goals, while you wait for the delayed event. In such cases remember perseverance, which is a rare gift that will help us stay on the move. With faith, remove from your mind any fear and doubt in the pursuit of your objective. Mine is to inform the world of the benefits of OMAD, in the long term. Mi current goal is to get to 1000 subscribers to this channel. To get there, I need your help. Please subscribe right now and share this video with family and friends. Stay optimistic because “Life is looking up!”

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