How to prevent Covid-19 with OMAD

How OMAD could prevent COVID-19 through Autophagy.

We know that OMAD is helpful in reversing both obesity and diabetes. But did you know that these two conditions are factors that complicate and/or predispose to the coronavirus infection? Also, in a previous video, I showed that OMAD may induce Autophagy, the intracellular recycling mechanism. Autophagy might bolster the immune system and thus help resist the coronavirus infection. Since then, the stimulation of Autophagy is emerging as a potential therapeutic approach to treat Covid-19. In this video, I will put these findings together. I’ll explain how OMAD may be among the tools to defend or protect you against Covid-19. 

Since that previous video on OMAD and Covid-19, much has been published about this subject in the scientific literature. Scientists now suggest that certain drugs may be used to stimulate Autophagy to treat the Covid-19 infection. But how about stimulating autophagy to resist the virus before the infection takes hold? We can stimulate autophagy today, naturally, with OMAD and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Here I will explain how.

Obesity and Diabetes are factors that may make Covid-19 infection worse. Obesity is a state of chronic, low-grade systemic inflammation. This may predispose to what doctors call “Cytokine Storm” seen in patients with severe Covid-19 infection. Also, the adipose tissue serves as a reservoir for the virus, from which it may spread to other organs. The virus uses the receptor ACE-2 to infect the cells. ACE-2 is over-expressed in the adipose tissue of obese and diabetic patients. Obesity is disproportionately higher among disadvantaged populations. This is due to limited accessibility to high quality, nutritious food. Obesity, in turn, is linked to numerous chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Obesity and chronic diseases are more prevalent in disadvantaged popu­lations. This may be the reason for the increased morbidity and mortality from Covid­-19 in these populations.

A low carb diet may be helpful, but OMAD, by controlling insulin, will actually reduce your addiction to carbs. In previous videos, I described my story from obese to fit at 53, in a high-carb, low-fat diet. More recently I have discussed how my wife was diagnosed with Diabetes but reversed it. How? On OMAD with a very low carb diet and without drugs. In solidarity, I also reduced my dietary carbs. I will discuss more on carbohydrates in a future video, but for now, let me be clear: It is likely that the prevalence of obesity among disadvantaged populations is due to their high dietary content of carbs. For details about OMAD and weight loss, visit my channel page. If you make the transition to the OMAD regimen and sustain it, you will reverse obesity and diabetes. Thus, avoid a severe outcome, if infected with Covid-19.

How about stopping the virus before infection takes hold? Since the start, the coronavirus pandemic has taken the attention of the scientific community and much has been published recently. Among the possible solutions to the infection, is Autophagy, suggested as a possible therapeutic route. In other words, the pharmaceutical industry might come up with drugs to stimulate autophagy to cure the Covid-19 infection. This solution might be months away, but we may certainly stimulate autophagy naturally starting today. By combining OMAD and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) near the end of our daily fast, autophagy may be induced. But what is autophagy? How does it help us prevent or fight the coronavirus? How is it induced with OMAD and HIIT?

Autophagy is the intracellular recycling mechanism that digests old proteins, DNA, bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Autophagy is so important, that some viruses have adapted mechanisms to circumvent it. Besides, Autophagy bolsters the immune system needed to fight viral infections, even before there is a vaccine. For more details look at my video previous video. To stimulate autophagy we could use prolonged fasting. The longer we stay in fasting, the more likely we are to stimulate autophagy. It is unclear what is the minimum duration of fasting necessary to stimulate autophagy, but some talk about 24 hours or more. However, because HIIT tends to use up the circulating glucose, it will contribute to trigger autophagy. Our bodies know, through the AMPK signal pathway, when we are low in glucose and amino acids. This pathway triggers autophagy to recycle unused cellular resources. This is why together, OMAD and HIIT stimulate daily autophagy.

Autophagy is a relatively new concept in science and we scientists are very excited about its potential. However, we do not need to wait for pharmaceutical products to be produced and applied to rip the benefits of autophagy. We can stimulate it naturally, with OMAD and HIIT, which we know have little or no safety concerns. So why not add autophagy to the tools we have at our disposal to prevent or resist the coronavirus infection? Losing weight and preventing or reversing diabetes is already a big incentive to use OMAD indefinitely. For months now, I have been posting videos on the benefits of OMAD for disease resistance, vitality and mental focus. In my 60’s I feel more fit, healthy, and mentally alert than ever before. Therefore, I am not surprised that OMAD has this additional benefit.

Research is now focused on stimulating autophagy by drugs such as spermidine. It is speculated that fasting limits our energy at a time when we needed most if we have been infected. Thus, scientists justify the use of drugs, rather than fasting to induce autophagy to fight the infection. Since fighting the infection requires energy, they say, fasting might not be recommended for Covid-19 patients. However, we know that OMAD results in body fat mobilization, providing sufficient energy for HIIT. As shown in my videos, OMAD gives me more, not less energy. Fat mobilization provides an endless source of energy for fitness and health. With OMAD while avoiding prolonged fasting, we may stimulate autophagy, and still have energy to spare. We don’t know if starting the OMAD regimen might cure the infection. However, OMAD may help resist the infection in the first place, by promoting autophagy daily and reversing obesity and diabetes.

One last word about the prevention of COVID-19. I will presume that if you are watching this video, you trust and believe in science and the scientific method. So please, think of OMAD and HIIT-induced autophagy as one more tool to defend against the virus. However, it is clear that our best fighting chance in this pandemic is to avoid exposure whenever possible. The use of masks and the observance of social distancing are simple things we can do to avoid the disease. So be safe, act responsibly, and think that your actions may not just protect you, but your loved ones too. Your actions may have repercussions for the Nation and Humanity at large. Please be safe and optimistic, because as I like to say, Life is looking up!


Digesting the crisis: Autophagy and Coronaviruses. Microbial Cells. 2020 May 4; 7 (5): 119-128.

AMPK and mTOR regulate autophagy through direct phosphorylation of Ulk1. Nature Cell Biology. 2011 February 13; 13(2): 132-141.

Long-term treatment with spermidine increases health span of middle-aged Sprague-Dawley male rats. GeroScience. 2020 Jun; 42(3):937-949.

Genetic Polymorphisms Complicate COVID-19 Therapy: Pivotal Role of HO-1 in Cytokine Storm. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020 Jul 18;9(7):E636.

Keywords: OMAD and Covid-19, OMAD and Autophagy, Autophagy and Covid-19, Coronavirus and OMAD, The Science of OMAD, The Science of One-Meal-A-Day, Health and Fitness, Weight loss, Coronavirus and OMAD.

Thanks to Pixabay for the images in the videos.

Coronavirus red by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Blood sugar Steve Buissinne from Pixabay 

Lake Constance photosforyou from Pixabay 

Blood pressure Antonio Corigliano from Pixabay 

Tortillas Ingrid Sporn from Pixabay 

Many tortillas 2 women PublicDomainImages from Pixabay 

Social distancing Tumisu from Pixabay 

Mask against Covid Christo Anestev from Pixabay 

Stop sign C. Koch from Pixabay 

Lab worker Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

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