Food Addiction Are we food addicted? Despite years or even decades of dieting and exercise, we succumb to cravings and often binge out of control. Is it possible that some of…

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Warning: Gallbladder Stones

Warning to weight losersAttention to all fast-weight-losing individuals: Increased mobilization of fat stores inevitably leads to the mobilization of cholesterol. Excess cholesterol is processed by the liver and excreted through…

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The Sugar Addiction (Part II)

Sugar is addictive Sugar has an addictive effect. Processed foods are full of sugar. Eating such foods as intended may result in diseases from diabetes and heart disease to cancer…

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Skin Folds and Autophagy

OMAD and skin folds Previously, I posted a video featuring Dr. Berg suggesting that skin folds may disappear over time with autophagy. Since OMAD encourages autophagy, it follows that OMAD…

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Fasting: Adapting to OMAD

Intermittent Fasting (IF): Conventional view One meal a day (OMAD) is conventionally considered one of the most aggressive forms of IF. Recently, I got a question from one of my…

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Sugar Addiction (Part I)

Are you addicted to sugar? Let's find out the details. The video below will give you some interesting facts about addiction and sugar in particular. It is not surprising to…

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