The Pushup Pyramid Routines The Pyramid Pushup routines Many have asked me how to avoid gaining weight during the quarantine. The question often comes from people that are used to routinely go to…

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Pushup Pyramid x Pushup Pyramid of 20What you are about to see is my 3 pushup pyramid routine, each one adding up to 400 pushups for a total of 1200 pushups.…

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OMAD and Protein

OMAD and FitnessMy weight loss and fitness were not based on some system given to me by a trainer, nutritionist or doctor. I simply started by eating one meal a…

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OMAD and Energy

OMAD a lifestyle approach There is an apparent consensus about OMAD (one meal a day) among us users: They experience more energy than they ever felt before. For this, there…

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Pushups and Cardiac Disease

How to prevent Cardiac disease?Recently, it was found that men able to do >40 pushups had a 96% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease events. This is in comparison to those who…

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