Pushup Pyramid

https://youtu.be/wF5HmQM2bOw3 x Pushup Pyramid of 20What you are about to see is my 3 pushup pyramid routine, each one adding up to 400 pushups for a total of 1200 pushups.…

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OMAD and Protein

OMAD and FitnessMy weight loss and fitness were not based on some system given to me by a trainer, nutritionist or doctor. I simply started by eating one meal a…

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OMAD, Muscle and HGH

Bodybuilding at any ageBefore I tell you my views on this subject, please take a look at the video below and then read on. While you do, consider the effects…

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What is OMAD

OMAD, one meal a day. In this video, Kayla Cox, YouTube personality, explains the term and what it means in simple terms:https://youtu.be/ov1Whrf0T48How to Eat OMADKayla was very kind and invite…

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Learn from Animals

The sloth eats leaves onlyLook around nature and you will find herbivores eating all day long, or resting, or slowly digesting their ingested leaves or pastures. The sloth is an…

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Autophagy and Exercise

Autophagy If you want to be in good health, it makes sense to stimulate autophagy. Cells with damaged organelles may become useless, yet they retain protein and/or toxic substances without…

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